
Business with Social Impact in Emerging Markets is an international project initiated within the UN PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education) and realized by the Institute of Business Studies RANEPA in partnership with the Universidad de Colombia School of Management, ISAE – Brazilian Business School, SPJIMR-Bharatiya Vidaya Bhavan (India) and University of Monterrey (Mexico).  

BSIEM Mission is to create unique learning experiences in different contexts and countries (India, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil and Russia) to connect students with variety of experiences, situations, problems and opportunities to lead them to transform social issues in successful business models.

The third module 2023 was organized by the ISAE, Brazilian Business School. It was devoted to Innovation and ESG Strategies for Impact Generation. The participants had a unique opportunity to interact with experts and entrepreneurs that use social innovations to generate positive impact on the society.

With the increase in discussions regarding the ESG (environmental, social and governance) agenda, it is important to understand, how this concept relates to innovation and contributes to the generation of positive impact on the society. The BSIEM Brazil Module addressed this issue in the 5 days agenda. The fallowing topics were discussed:

  • connection between ESG
  • sustainability and innovation to generate positive impact
  • environmental, social and governance: risks and opportunities

The participants had a unique opportunity to interact in multinational groups sharing the experience on dealing with social problems in the emerging economies. This module was focused on the specific of Brazil. As the final assignment participants in groups had to map global risks, select the biggest and present the reasoning for their choice.

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