
Daria Mukhortova, Sustainability Manager of the Yandex Group of Companies, talked about digital solutions for the sustainable development of the company. Yandex presented the directions and goals of its 2020 sustainable development agenda. Some of them, such as the safety and quality of services, as well as well-being of employees, were already priorities for the company, and among relatively new areas, the development of social support programs for partners and the solution of climate issues were addressed.

In 2021-2022, Yandex focused on scaling up affordable and high-quality IT education, increasing the inclusiveness of digital services, developing systemic charity tools, and introducing social support programs for drivers and couriers cooperating with the services. In the environmental direction - on supporting the high energy efficiency of infrastructure, tracking and optimizing the carbon footprint, as well as working with packaging and waste in delivery services.

The students were offered the case of Yandex Routing, a digital service for optimizing logistics based on artificial intelligence, which helps customers not only reduce transportation costs, but also reduce their carbon footprint. “The algorithm takes into account many route planning parameters, including cargo dimensions, delivery time and warehouse operation. As a result, fewer vehicles are able to deliver more orders, overall mileage is reduced, and with it, fuel consumption and the associated greenhouse gas emissions,” said Daria.

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Yandex is a technology company that develops products and services based on machine learning. Yandex's mission is to help people and businesses solve their problems using modern technologies. Today Yandex is more than 90 digital services and products: from their first and key business of a search portal, taxi services, carsharing, e-commerce and delivery to unmanned and cloud technologies, entertainment services and smart devices.

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